Drone Programming Competition/Challenge

Drone Programing

Drone Programming competitions challenge participants to code and control drones to complete complex missions with precision and efficiency. Competitors must design algorithms to navigate obstacles, execute tasks, and adapt to dynamic environments. It’s a captivating blend of coding, robotics, and problem-solving that showcases the power of automation and innovation.


Coming Soon


Obstacle Challenge (Team) 1-2 Members

  • Primary School (Approximately ages 6-12)
  • High School  (Approximately ages 13-18)

Swarming Challenge (Team) 2-4 Members

  • Primary School (Approximately ages 6-12)
  • High School  (Approximately ages 13-18)


Team Rules

Each team will have 2-4 members for Swarming and 1-2 members for Obstacle.
This category is open to the following age groups:
● Primary School: students 6-12 years old
● High School: students 13-18 years old
Students need not be from the same school. However, all the members of a team must be in the same
age group to qualify.

Competition Format

The Drone Programming competition will be organized in both on-site and online formats. Participants will need to write code to program drones to perform predefined missions. The judging criteria will differ between the two formats. Details are as follows

Drone Specification

The drones used in the Drone Programming competition must be of the following models:

  • DJI Tello
  • DJI TelloEDU
ดีไซน์ที่ยังไม่ได้ตั้งชื่อ (11)

Playfield Fomat

Size of the playfield is 5(FIVE) by 5(FIVE) meters.
● Maximum flying height of the playfield is 240 cm.
● Each grid is approximately 80cm by 80cm.
● Gap between grids is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.
● Participants are allowed to bring measuring tools.

Obstacle Challenge Playfield

Swarming Playfield

Orange is Start Zone (Take Off)

Red is Landing Zone

Yellow is Obstacle (Following on 3D Playfield)

Blue is QR Code 

Pink is Aerial Photography Zone

Green is Detect and Record Zone (Downward TOF Distance Sensing)

Obstacle Block

  • Size of the obstacle is 60cm(Breadth) by 60cm(Breadth) by 80cm(height).
  • Obstacle can be stacked on top of another obstacle
  • Maximum height of obstacle is 240cm

Obstacle 3D Playfield

Swarming 3D Playfield


Obstacle Challenge

Mission Point Maximum Score
Consolidate and display the total sum Mission Pad value
Identify QR Code in a single program
Take Aerial photography of one location in a single program
Detect and record the readings at different locations in a single program
Land on specified area
Finish every mission in a single program
Total score 200

Swarming Challenge

Mission Point Maximum Score
Consolidate and display the total Mission Pad value
Detect and record the readings at different locations in a single program
Land on specified area
Finish every mission in a single program
Total score 100

Mission Attempt

Start of Mission Attempt
● Each Team will be given 1 Mission Attempt.
● Time begins when the drone start to take off


A Mission attempt will end if…
● The 10 minutes mark is up.
● The drone or team has violated the rules or regulations.
● A team member shouts “STOP”, and the drone does not move anymore.

Scoring Submissions

If participants choose to compete in the online format, teams must submit a video within the specified timeframe. The judges will score based on the completion of tasks and the total time taken to complete all tasks. Participants must also demonstrate the size of the field and the dimensions of obstacles, which must adhere to the specifications set by the judges.


Prizes will be allocated based on the ranking of the competing teams. Certificates will be awarded to the winners of each category by Space Challenge Asia.


2-4 members for Swarming Challenge 

1-2 members for Obstacle Challenge

Upright and Vertical position.
Yes, teams can strategize their missions.

It is used to identify, for example, when the drone scans the QR code. The words should then appear on the screen.

For Obstacle only 1 drone can be used.

For Swarming , you may use minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 drones.

For both Obstacle and Swarming tasks, participants must use one of the following drones:

  • DJI Tello
  • DJI TelloEDU
  • DJI Robomaster TT

There is no any restriction on the programming languages.


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